Using the Dashboard Module-Results Tab

Estimated read time: 5 mins
Using the Dashboard Module-Results Tab Video


The Dashboard Module allows you to see your practice’s performance over time, in any date range you choose. It also allows you to determine your practice’s health in an easy-to-use format.

The Dashboard Module displays high-level KPIs for the date range selected. These performance indicators include:

  • Financial data such as production, adjustments, and collections 
  • Visit data including new patients and existing patients
  • Provider data including production, visits, and collection per provider

**The Dashboard Module for Jarvis Enterprise does not have a Results Tab.


Dr. Smith wants to know how many procedures his full-time hygienists completed during the month of April. After changing the date range to include all of April, he can look at the Provider table. There he can identify how each hygienist is doing and how their production numbers are coming along.


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