December 20, 2022

Two-Factor Authentication for Jarvis

Estimated read time: 1 min
Two-Factor Authentication for Jarvis Video

What is it?

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security process in which users provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves. 2FA is implemented to better protect both a user’s credentials and the resources the user can access.

Why should I use Two Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication is a type of login that requires not only your password, but also a second form of identification. This second form can be something you have, like a code sent to your phone or an app on your phone, or something you know, like a security question.

There are many reasons why you should use two-factor authentication. First of all, it will make your account safer by stopping hackers from accessing it. Secondly, it gives you peace of mind because even if someone gets your password they won’t be able to log in without the other form of identification.

How does it work in Jarvis Analytics?

2FA works in Jarvis by asking users to enter a code generated by a 2FA generator app upon login.

Some popular 2FA apps are listed here:

You will need one of these apps to enable 2FA on your instance of Jarvis. Download an app, and create an account for the next steps

How to enable 2FA in Jarvis:

  • Go to Top Right Menu → Security
  • Under Two Factor Authentication section, click `Enable` button
  • Enter your password on the password prompt.
  • Scan the QR code image using any 2FA authenticator apps.
  • On the authenticator app, a 6-digit pin is generated every minute. Copy the current 6-digit pin and enter in the pin field in Jarvis.
  • Click Submit

How to disable 2FA:

  • Go to Top Right Menu → Security
  • Under Two Factor Authentication section, click `Disable` button
  • Enter your password on the password prompt.