Daily Clinical Tasks

Estimated read time: 5 mins

Morning Huddle

  • Review Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’s Performance all at a glance without pulling manual reports. 
  • In the Yesterday column, you can review some of the most important metrics such as Production per Patient,  Treatment Acceptance %, and Hygiene Reappoint %
  • In the Today and Tomorrow columns, you can view the day’s scheduled production and how many new patients are coming in. 
  • Filter by your Provider ID to see your list of new patients, those with unscheduled treatment, patients that have birthdays and your patients that are due for x-rays.  


  • Use the End of Day Module to see your location’s same day treatment, production by provider and hygiene reappointment metrics.
  • The EOD report can be emailed automatically to you at the end of the business day or be sent manually.